
This section provides detailed procedures on the different types of data transformations you could perform.

You can transform your data using the pre-built transformation steps, or by through certain functions in the data preview panel. Transformation widgets for data science models are also available in Yellowfin's Marketplace, that allows users to integrate data models, such as PMML, PFA, R and H2O, into their platforms and apply them on their data.




Related Component



Pre-built transformation step

This step transforms your data into a summary form, by applying functions like count, count distinct, sum, average, etc.


Calculated Field


This step creates a calculated field based on other fields in the step.




This step is for filtering data in a step.




This step merges two sets of data based on the configured Join Fields.




This step duplicates an input dataset to create identical output datasets.

 PMML Model PredictionDownloadable transformation step 
 PFA Model Prediction  
 H2O Model Prediction  
 R Model Prediction  
 Duplicate FieldField transformation 
 Number Precision  
 Switch Case  
 White Space