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This section provides detailed guides and documentation that will allow developers to use Yellowfin functionality and API in their own environments.


Create Connectors

Create custom connectors to extract data from a custom data source. >>>

Develop Widgets & Transformation Steps

Build your own custom transformation widgets using Yellowfin's guides. >>>

Build Advanced Functions

Create your own advanced functions to be used in Yellowfin reports. >>>






Learn how to embed Yellowfin into a web page or any other environment. >>>


Refer to our deployment section for knowledge on how to set up Yellowfin. >>>

API Directory

Explore Yellowfin's entire API directory. >>>




Data Science Integration

Integrate your PMML, PFA, R, and data science models into Yellowfin. >>>

Custom Formatters

Use this guide to create your own custom formatters. >>>

Additional Guides

Explore a range of development guides based on unique Yellowfin functionality. >>>

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